what is a modular rollerbed system: block pallets?

The Modular Rollerbed System (MRS): Block Pallets, is an innovative solution that provides the legendary functionality of a Joloda Hydaroll Rollerbed solution but minimum modifications to the trailer by utilising a ‘floor on floor’ concept. 

The system consists of lightweight aluminium frames that are interconnected and equipped with the pneumatic rise and fall rollertrack modules. 

Additionally, as with all of our Modular Rollerbed Systems (MRS) the MRS: Block pallets, system can be removed when the trailer reaches the end of life and retrofitted into another vehicle.

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why choose a modular rollerbed system: block pallets?

The system features our legendary Joloda Hydraroll Rise and Fall Pneumatic Roller system, engineered to easily and safely handle pallets, Air Cargo Unit Load Devices (ULDs) and built to withstand the rigorous demands of the logistics industry.

Implementation of the system means that users can efficiently load and unload goods without the for forklifts or other material handling equipment entering the trailers. This reduces both the likelihood of accidents. 

Our design team will discuss with you the best solution for your business as specific configurations will depend on your needs and goods being transported.  

We’ll ensure the frames come in the perfect size for seamless installation and operation. The frames are supplied pre-assembled and ready for a fast and easy installation with the average time to install a system and convert a trailer is between 8-12 working hours for two people, depending on system configuration. 

Joloda Hydraroll Icons Loaded Pallet

works with pallets

Joloda Icon Creation ULD

works with ULD's

Joloda Icon Creation AIRCARGO

works with air cargo pallets

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who should use the modular rollerbed system: block pallets?

The Modular Rollerbed System: Trailer, is the Logistics industry's first choice for businesses seeking an efficient and easy-to-implement solution to dramatically increase their loading and unloading efficiency. This solution is loved by transport companies that provide air cargo road feeder Services and fleet operators that load and unload large volumes of standard pallets without forklifts or pallet trucks entering into the trailers

installation and use video

see it in action

At Joloda Hydraroll, we’re about creating loading solutions that solve our clients’ problems.

The logistics industry was looking for an effective way to load and unload goods from trailers that was safe, easy to use and able to be removed and retrofitted to a new trailer when you upgrade - and that's exactly what we delivered.

Take a look at our Modular Rollerbed System: Block Pallets video to see just how fast and easy it is to load and unload block pallets and tackle the demands of your business.

safety: autodown explained

1. brake pedal depressed

In this situation goods have been loaded into a transport vehicle and a human error has occured. The operator has not lowered the rollers after loading and the driver of the vehicle is getting ready to start transit. When the brake pedal is pressed an electrical signal is sent from to the control box.

2. raised rollertrack

The electrical signal reaches the control box and activates the system's three-way Quick Exhaust Valve (QEV). The quick exhaust valve then safely and efficiently expels air from the rollertrack modules which causes the rollers to be lowered.

3. secure load

The rollers have now been lowered and the goods in the vehicle now are not 'live'. This means that they will not move around during transit and prevents damage to the vehicle and to the products.

4. safe haulage

The push/pull levers have also entered their Autodown Reset phase. This is where the levers return to a safe position ready for the next use cycle.

why choose us?

60 Years' Experience


Multiple Industries


Fully Accredited


High Quality Design


MRS Block Pallets Brochure Mockup

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our modular rollerbed system: block pallets brochure

If you’re looking for the right block pallet loading solution for your truck/trailer, download a copy of our free Modular Rollerbed System: Block Pallets leaflet. 

From benefits to best practice, discover how to lighten the load with one of our Modular Rollerbed System: Block Pallets today!


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Contact us today for a consultation session with a member of our Systems team.

During the consultation, a Joloda Hydraroll Group Systems Expert will speak with you about your business' current logistics operations, plans and goals. 

We have over 60+ years of experience providing cutting-edge technological solutions to the logistics industry and have helped countless companies around the world lighten their load.  

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our other modular rollerbed systems

Modular Rollerbed System: Air Cargo

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Modular Rollerbed System: Van

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ordering spare parts is as easy as 1, 2, 3...

Spares are picked from our manufacturing facility's warehouse, where components are stored and used for the assembly of new loading systems, we have parts in stock and ready to go.

Our Spares works just like a typical e-commerce website. Here's our easy ordering process...

Joloda Icon Basket

1. Add to your basket

Joloda Icon Quotation

2. Recieve quotation

Joloda Icon Parcel

3. Picked, packed and shipped

800Px MK21 Module

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order original spare parts

Quickly and easily order original manufacturer Spares parts to repair your rollertrack system and have them delivered directly to your door.

As part of our continued efforts to prolong the longevity of our loading systems, we've put together this spare parts section where you'll be able to find replacement parts and spare parts for all your favourite Joloda Hydraroll systems.

Maintenance is key to ensuring that loading equipment's longevity is preserved.

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