In some circumstances, a driver may receive a prohibition, which means they won’t be able to move the vehicle until they secured the load. A fixed penalty notice will follow. They’ll have 60 minutes to solve the problem, but if they can’t, implementation of the DVSA immobilisation policy will follow and the driver will have to pay a release fee.
In other circumstances, penalty points may be issued. Often, this happens when the situation is dangerous. For instance, the vehicle is in a dangerous condition because of the weight, suitable purpose, packaging, distribution or adjustment of the load. The driver will receive penalty points, a licence endorsement and possibly an unlimited fine.
Really serious loading breaches can trigger an interview with the DVSA about the roadside incident. Legal proceedings may follow. A report may go out to the Traffic Commissioner, who could take regulatory action against the operator for failure to comply with the undertaking of an operator’s licence. Suspension, curtailment or revocation of the licence are all possible outcomes. The Traffic Commission may also take action concerning the driver’s licence, which could affect both the driver and the operator.