Whether you agree that there is a climate change crisis or otherwise, it's indisputable that sustainability has become an important aspect for businesses. Consumers want to buy from companies that operate in an eco-friendly way.

That's a real challenge in an industry in which the use of transport and machinery to help prepare goods and get them from one destination to another, which could be a large distance, is so heavy. Businesses who can rise to it (or at least make a clear, concerted effort to), however, can enjoy some considerable benefits.

Below is a look at some of the fantastic benefits for companies that employ sustainable logistics practices as part of their supply chain management.

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sustainable logistics help win bids and tenders

Competition is fierce for logistics and supply chain tenders, and more and more logistics tenders are requesting emissions data. The less your company pollutes, the greater your chance of submitting a winning bid and securing the contract. 

When you're working with freight tenders, a cost-efficient subcontractor network, a well-designed digital logistics management system and the integration of reliable time calculations and GPS positioning data of the cargo will also strengthen your bid.

sustainable logistics increases compliance

As well as consumers, national governments and local governments (and their citizens) are all demanding more sustainability from businesses. The more sustainable your logistics and supply chain processes are, the kindlier these stakeholders may smile upon you if they need the services of a logistics company.

If you're using a sustainable logistics management system and lowering your carbon footprint, it's a win for the environment, for you and for the stakeholders above. Your brand's reputation will grow, and customers will warm to you.

sustainable logistics creates scopes for higher profit margins

The better you plan your logistics, the higher your profit margin could be. Smart planning, such as being able to identify issues in a route early and adjust to them, and using green vehicles to cut fuel costs, create opportunities for your profit margins to swell up. Electric vehicles are fast becoming the future, and if you get in on the action, you can keep your business environmentally conscious while still providing a high level of service and remaining cost-effective.

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sustainable logistics reduce greenhouse gas emissions

Logistics and supply chain companies and processes have a responsibility to minimise the environmental impact of their activities because they use so much fuel and transport goods from place to place, triggering lots of greenhouse gas emissions. Streamlining logistics stops different modes of transport from having to cover so many miles and, as a result, decrease the business's risk of being fined for infringing environmental regulations. Sustainability also gives a business the opportunity to transport lots of goods across long distances.

sustainable logistics eliminates more wastage

Although fuel cost is the primary cost when it comes to transportation, many other elements of logistics can incur costs. The different parts of the vehicles, the oil and, in the case of the trucks, the minimum of four tyres are all examples of wastage that bumps up costs. Inefficient transportation forces the business to replace these items, which will wear out anyway, more often and put a dent in the sustainability of the business.

sustainable manufacturing processes and production

Sustainable manufacturing, to quote from the US's Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) website, is "the creation of manufactured products through economically-sound processes that minimize negative environmental impacts while conserving energy and natural resources". It's become an important part of long-term strategy, stretching far beyond small businesses and niche companies that have long positioned themselves as 'green' businesses.

Sustainable manufacturing processes offer several different benefits:

  • greater operational efficiency because of lesser wastage;
  • response to, or connection with, new customers;
  • a stronger competitive advantage;
  • protection and reinforcement of brand reputation;
  • development of long-term business viability;
  • compliance with regulations and responding to opportunities.

Businesses move along the sustainability path further in different ways:

  • adoption of a formal, integral and coordinated approach to sustainability;/
  • focus on generating higher revenues and becoming more competitive;
  • advancement beyond compliance by innovating, creating scenarios and conducting strategic analysis;
  • integration of sustainability across business functions;
  • long-term focus;
  • collaboration with stakeholders.
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factory sustainability

Factories face their challenges when it comes to sustainability, but they can become more sustainable in several ways.

  • By getting as much as possible out of its fossil fuel usage. As obvious as this is, a factory should try to make the most of the fossil fuels it uses and avoid wasting them. One simple way is to turn off machines when they're not in use. Another option, of course, is the use of sustainable energy when possible, such as wind energy, solar power or hydropower.
  • Reducing or eliminating pollution. Is the factory using environmentally unfriendly materials? Could the business take action to reduce the level of by-products from a process? The use of as little coolant as possible while performing metal removal is one option factories could try.
  • Machining and finishing processes create a huge amount of chips, which, previously, factories would just dump in huge bins and transport them to a recycling centre. Now factories are beginning to look into this more because the process consumes large amounts of energy.
  • Time-saving. Indirectly, saving time saves energy. If a cycle can be faster, the factory can shut down the machine sooner so that it's consuming less energy. By making processes more efficient, too, they can use fewer machines to produce the same amount of material.
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warehousing sustainability

Warehousing and storage are essential in logistics and are packed with sustainability potential. Three major options come to the forefront in terms of warehouse sustainability. 

  • If a warehouse can automate its solutions and management processes, the company can achieve immense efficiency and accuracy, thanks to improvements in the visibility of the inventory. Customer satisfaction is also there for the taking. Traceability is an additional benefit.
  • More efficient energy usage. Conventional warehouse equipment is energy-hungry, whereas automated solutions provide potential energy savings by operating in dark environments and non-heated ones. Skylights, photocell sensors and other daylighting tech offer potential energy savings. The use of solar panels, light-emitting diodes (LED lighting), heat recovery from cold storage systems and even switching from electrical ventilation to natural forms of ventilation are further options.
  • Warehouse design optimisation: A good warehouse layout can bolster workflow efficiency, cut out necessary steps from processes and create space for incorporating new functions into the warehouse. Companies should make the most of the height, width and length of their warehouses for handling equipment materials, selecting and storing orders, and movement of personnel. By collecting data on structural requirements, floor flatness and rate of production, companies can bump up their energy efficiency and, potentially, their productivity.
A Complete Guide To Warehouse Logistics

a complete guide to warehouse logistics

Warehouse logistics is a part of the supply chain management and refers to the physical flow of goods during shipping and reception of them, as well as the flow of information that goes with them. Product information and fulfilment times are two examples of this. We've assembled A Complete Guide to Warehouse Logistics to help you understand what's involved in the end-to-end process.

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a guide to achieving sustainable transportation

Transport carries multiple opportunities to exert a less harmful impact on the environment. In a world in which consumers are becoming more climate-conscious, anything the transportation world can do to protect the planet as human beings or businesses go about their activities is welcome.

We've assembled a guide to achieving sustainable transportation, how we can make transport more sustainable, the impact of sustainable transportation on the economy and on society, some of the possible solutions and the advantages, sustainable transport can offer to reduce outdoor air pollution.

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Contact us today for a consultation session with a member of our Systems team.

During the consultation, a Joloda Hydraroll Group Systems Expert will speak with you about your business' current logistics operations, plans and goals. 

We have over 60+ years of experience providing cutting-edge technological solutions to the logistics industry and have helped countless companies around the world lighten their load.  

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sustainable loading and unloading

Loading and unloading is also an avenue for sustainability in logistics.

The use of our products can help you to reduce your own emissions and operate in an eco-friendlier way. Our automated loading solutions, which are handy when you're dealing with lots of pallets, lighten the load by removing the need for forklift trucks. At the same time, they lower your emissions by eliminating this need; and, depending on how you power your forklift trucks, this reduces your own fuel consumption (and costs). Automation also reduces product damage, which translates into less waste.

The same is true of manual solutions such as our skate and track, roller track and powered cargo rollers. Each of these products cancels out the need for forklift trucks and, by extension, cuts your own emission levels. Maintenance is easier, too, and in some cases even more sustainable because some of these systems call for less oil to keep them in good condition.

Sustainable logistics is important to help your business thrive, as well as to play your part in caring for the planet. Taking that extra time in your business planning to consider how you can make your operations more sustainable can transform your business into a more profitable one that wins the hearts of consumers, who see your company as one that cares.

learn how we helped businesses provide sustainable logistics!

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The Joloda Hydraroll Group

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We help businesses lighten loads and are highly regarded as the world's leading loading and unloading solutions provider in the logistics industry. Over the last 60 years, we've helped thousands of businesses streamline their logistics operations to be more cost-efficient, more sustainable, and more health and safety-conscious.

As experts in all kinds of unloading and unloading solutions, we can help innovate, automate and streamline your end-of-production line problems, wherever you are. We work with a network of over 30 global distributors to provide you with comprehensive design, installation, maintenance, and certification services across a range of industry sectors. Learn more About Us today.

Get in touch with our experts today to learn how we can provide a safe working environment, call our friendly team on +44 (0) 151 427 8954, on our Let’s Chat page, via email on sales@joloda.com or on our LinkedIn page.

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