streamlined solutions, whatever your load

At Joloda Hydraroll, we’re more than ‘off-the-shelf’. Our team of experts are your partner for all loading and unloading situations – on hand to automate, innovate and make your loading and unloading solutions more effective.

Each of our products is made to exacting standards, and our solutions are expertly designed and engineered to suit specific needs. Using our knowledge and expertise, our team consult with you to create the ideal solution to your loading problems and help you manage and maintain them too.

Because, whatever your loading scenario, Joloda Hydraroll are here to lighten your load.

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our automated solutions

Whatever loading solution your business might require, Joloda Hydraroll can help. With a range of quality products to shift all sorts of loads, our experts will work alongside you to find and manage the right automated solution to suit your business - whatever it may be.

Automated Trailer Loading Solutions

Unmodified Trailer Loading Solutions

One-Shot Loading

Shuttle Run VS Direct To Consumer Block

shuttle run vs direct to consumer

Which Solution is Best for You?

Shuttle Run: If your trailers are going to a warehouse or distribution centre, an Automated Loading Solution would be best.

Direct to Consumer: If your trailers are going directly to the customer or if you are using a Third Party Logistics (3PL) or customer's trailer, an Automated Unmodified Solution is the best option.

Find out more about both of these solutions below.

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Automatic Loading & Unloading Systems

automated trailer loading and unloading solutions

Automated loading systems are built to speed up a standard process that happens in every production and warehousing location. Typically, the forklift process of loading a full trailer will be around 30-45 minutes. A Joloda Hydraroll automated loading systems can do it in under 5 minutes.

A complete loading and unloading process entails one or more auto-loading docks and unloading docks, and a dedicated system trailer. Once connected to an existing conveyor infrastructure, or integrated with AGVs, the complete loading procedure can be de-manned – also known as 100% end-of-line automation.

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unmodified trailer loading solutions

Unmodified loading systems are systems designed to load cargo from trailers and containers without requiring any modifications to the trailer or container itself. This type of solution allows the trailer to remain in its original state, avoiding the need for modifications such as structural changes, added hardware, or special attachments. These solutions are capable of handling various trailer or container types, loading trailers or containers within 5 minutes, eliminating product damage, improving safety by removing manual handling, and much more

Actiw’s loading equipment (LoadPlateLoadMatic, LoadMatic Lite, and LoadBuffering) bring a new level of speed, efficiency and safety to your automated loading processes. With integration into your existing warehouse, you will really see the difference in your outbound material flow.

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Complex Cargo Loadplate 2

one-shot loading solutions

One-shot loading is a method of trailer and container loading which loads goods during a single operational cycle. This loading process can be used with both palletised and non-palletised goods which means it can be used a vast array of industries and complex cargo. 

The method requires goods be pre-loaded on to a loading system, this can be done in a variety of ways such as: conveyors, Automated Guided vehicles (AGVs) or Fork Lift Trucks.

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Actiw Showroom

actiw showroom

Actiw Virtual Showroom is a solution which allows customers to explore an automated loading environment with our products and solutions in a new, immersive way. Simply put, a virtual loading environment models the loading from production or warehouse to the outbound transportation of industrial goods.

With a virtual showroom, we can present our potential buyers interactive features such as 360-degree interior and exterior views, the ability to customise solutions, and learn more about product features and operational benefits.

Visit Virtual Showroom

our partnership process

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We consult

Integrating and coordinating with stakeholders on site

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We design

In-house adaption and production capabilities

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We implement

Manual or automated loading solutions

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We support

Servicing packages and emergency call out services

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solutions made to suit you

Whatever your load, Joloda Hydraroll has the in-house capabilities to adapt any product to suit you. Our team has over 60 years of loading experience – creating solutions based around specific business requirements.

If you would like to set up a consultation, or find out more, get in touch today.

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