The petrochemical industry is renowned for its high-volume output of pallets and bulk products. In most Polyolefins and (Poly) Ethelyne plants worldwide, the complete production, packaging and handling is 100% automated.

The loading of petrochemical products is an essential phase when supplying sensitive, valuable materials to the end customers. We know the safety risks, challenges, and costs if the products are damaged in loading and transportation. Automated loading in petrochemical industry both improves work safety and reduces handling costs.

Connecting the palletising lines to automatic loading docks to achieve 100% end of line automation is a ‘no brainer’ solution.

Book a FREE Loading Assessment

Learn how to make the loading process safer and more efficient with a no-obligation assessment...

Joloda Icon Conveyor 2


Lower costs - labour & maintenance, quick turnarounds - less drivers

Joloda Icon Employee


De- manned loading/unloading, no forklift drivers, safety increased due to automation

Joloda Icon Stopwatch


Load a trailer in 2 minutes

Petrochemical Loadplate 2

how do Joloda Hydraroll automated systems improve my loading environment?

Petrochemical products are mostly palletised meaning they are heavy and dangerous to handle with forklifts.

Joloda Hydraroll’s automatic loading systems provide the solution to increase safety, reduce damages and achieve 100% efficiency in terms of a de-manned operation without forklifts.

Petrochemical Loading

benefits for the petrochemical industry

  • Improve work safety with automated loading processes
  • Minimise handling damages
  • Achieve over 80% savings in labour and handling costs
  • Save in machinery investments replacing a fleet of forklifts that are used in loading operations
  • Enhance ecoefficiency – the total cost of energy with electric LoadMatic is up to 60% less compared to electric forklifts
Trailerskate 3

why use Joloda Hydraroll systems for petrochemical?

  • Trailer loading in 2 minutes
  • Reduction of labour due to:
    • De-manned loading/unloading operation: No forklift truck drivers
    • Quick turnaround of trailers: Fewer drivers
  • Lower operating costs with automation:
    • No costs connected to FLT maintenance etc.
  • Increased safety due to automation
  • Reduction in product damage
Petrochemical Loadplate

automate the loading of petrochemical products

  • Suitable for palletised or palletless products
  • Applicable for standard, non-modified trucks, trailers or containers
  • Integrates seamlessly with any outgoing material streams, like production lines or automated warehouses
  • No need for alterations to the cargo space or substructures beneath the cargo

what systems can help you?

Moving Floor

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Virtual Showroom 5

Virtual Showroom

LoadMatic in petrochemcial surroundings

Are you wondering how our LoadMatic system will suit your petrochemical surroundings?

Use our Virtual Showroom and configure your LoadMatic setup, from the installation type to product handling, visualise how our LoadMatic system would fit in your operations.

Visit Virtual Showroom
ACTIW Petro Chemical Brochure 1 Mockup


petrochemical LoadMatic brochure

Wondering if our LoadMatic system is right for your petrochemical business?

Download our FREE Petrochemical LoadMatic brochure to find out how our LoadMatic system can help improve your work safety, and minimise handling damage which is crucial when moving dangerous goods. Plus, discover how our LoadMatic system works for businesses operating in the Petrochemical industry

ACTIW Loadmatic 2023 Brochure Mockup


LoadMatic brochure

Wondering if our LoadMatic system is right for your nonmodified trucks or containers?

Download our FREE LoadMatic brochure to find out how it can help streamline your supply chain, improve work safety, and prevent handling damage. Plus, discover more benefits of our LoadMatic system, and how it can be used for transporting palletised or palletless industrial goods

ACTIW Loadmatic Payback 1 Mockup


LoadMatic payback brochure

Automated loading has the largest potential for cutting costs in intralogistics operations. This far, it has been applicable only in certain settings due to technical limitations. Actiw LoadMatic changes the rules of the game.

LoadMatic offers a unique, fully integrated automation solution for loading standard containers and trucks. The purpose of this white paper is to explain in which settings this new technology is applicable and illustrate the real, monetary business benefits it generates.

ALS Mockup


automated loading systems brochure

Wondering if an automatic loading and unloading solution is right for your warehouse, factory, or business?

Download our FREE Automated Loading Systems leaflet to find out how they can help streamline your operations and reduce your environmental impact. Plus, discover the benefits of our different automated loading systems, including Moving Floor, Slipchain and Trailerskate.


case study

our partnership process

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We consult

Integrating and coordinating with stakeholders on site

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We design

In-house adaption and production capabilities

Joloda Icon Conveyor 2

We implement

Manual or automated loading solutions

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We support

Servicing packages and emergency call out services

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speak to the experts

Contact us today for a consultation session with a member of our Systems team.

During the consultation, a Joloda Hydraroll Group Systems Expert will speak with you about your business' current logistics operations, plans and goals. 

We have over 60+ years of experience providing cutting-edge technological solutions to the logistics industry and have helped countless companies around the world lighten their load.  

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